The last post mentioned that I have been getting connected to local Spanish-speaking people in Lynchburg. I see this as a direct result of a desire in my heart even before I left for Mexico in June 2007. I have known that when I return to Lynchburg, I wanted to use my newly acquired Spanish language and awareness of Mexican culture to tell people about Jesus and to help them adjust to living in the U.S.
God has been opening doors for me to get connected with families here who are having trouble speaking English and navigating our culture. Not a day goes by without a phone conversation or a personal meeting with local Latinos asking for help. I have helped families figure out medical forms and accompanied a family to the local health department and I translated for them. Mostly, I seem to be going to court with Latinos who have been charged with driving without a license and translating for them with their attorneys. Given that going to court can be scary when you understand English, I think it is terrifying for Latinos. You need to understand that the justice system in Mexico is not particularly just (but it is changing for the better). Mexico's system of law clearly states that the accused is guilty until proven innocent. This is directly the opposite of what we have in the United States: Here, you are innocent until proven guilty. Historically, Mexicans have been abused by the courts and police and so they carry this fear and thinking with them to the U.S.
Lately, I have helped two families figure out excessive charges on phone bills and was able to save one family $387 due to an error by the phone company. They don't know that they have rights as consumers. In Mexico, they are frequently taken advantage of by government or corporations and they don't know that they have other options. I have helped to explain how DMV works and to point out where they are in violation of Virginia traffic law. When I return from Mexico in early February, I will offer to show people how to use the local bus system.
My church was able to pay the rent for one family who have no income after the father was laid off from his job. This family was also helped with food and milks and diapers for their newborn and toddler by two individuals in my church.
After having known and helped different Latino families or individuals, I have started to be invited into their trailers and apartments to visit. This is huge and a privilege and I believe it is a result of a growing trust that they have in me. God has opened the door to share new life in Jesus Christ several times. I was actually invited to have dinner with one family and I felt like I was back in Nogales, supping with friends! The father, Lucas, was very interested in my church and that opened the door for a great conversation that one doesn't have to "clean up" one's life before God will have anything to do with you. This is a common misconception about God. When we respond to God's love, he will show us what we need to submit to him to be changed or cleaned by him. Our job is to obey and give up what he says to give up. God's job is to make us into new people with his heart. Remember that all of our right acting to make God happy is like soiled, dirty rags to him. You just can't be clean enough; it's impossible. BUT, he will do the cleaning and changing and re-making of our lives if we let him.
Thank God for this opportunity to commune with Latinos and to help them adjust to the U.S. Thank God for reaching out to them through us. Often the families have offered money to pay for gasoline or my time. I refuse the money because I want a wide open door to develop relationships with these families and I am aware of some Americans who help but at a high financial price. Pray that the doors keep opening.