Friday, February 15, 2008

A visit to a Mexican orphanage

Carlos, the children’s pastor in my church, had a great idea recently. He wanted our children to visit an orphanage located in an area of Nogales called Buenos Aires. It is in a colonia like ours but located very close to the border. The orphanage is for girls only. The ages of the girls were from about 18 months to 15 years. Before we met the orphans, our pastor talked to our kids about the situation of the children in the orphanage, some having been abandoned purposely by their parents and others whose parents have died. Our kids had gifts to give the orphans.

All of the kids played together. I was impressed with how our kids engaged the orphans and were very concerned for their lack. One parent from our church who visited with us said that two little girls asked to visit her home. There is a program to allow the orphans to visit with families for one weekend one time per month. It was really sad to hear some of the stories, especially the stories of parent’s abandoning their children. I am reminded of the Scriptures that remind us to care for orphans, widows and foreigners living in our country.

Please remember to pray for these children and all those who have been abandoned in one way or another. Thank God for your parents, your families and those who love you and care about you.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I've been on two missions trips to Mexico. God bless the children.