Saturday, March 1, 2008

A typical Saturday morning in the Colosio

The ladies of the church are having a spiritual retreat at the Cuirim House this weekend. It started Friday night at 8 p.m. and is going until an hour before church starts on Sunday. I don’t know what all the husbands are going to do; the wives here seems to do most of the cooking. Not wanting to distract anyone at the Cuirim House and feeling a little odd, I beat feet to the McDonald's. Along the way to the McDonald’s to access Internet, I drove through the Saturday swap meet and thought I would share it with you.

One thing that I really like about living in Mexico is the constant moving and bustling of people. Informal commerce is everywhere. On Saturday mornings, cars and people start to gather early on Calle Abraham Zaied. On the sides of the street are vendors selling just about anything. Not only are used electronics, clothing and households items for sale, but there are also small stands selling tacos, burros, carnitas, carne asada, hot dogs and hamburgers. It is a place where you will run into your neighbors or get a good deal on something you need. The people browsing overflow into the street and traffic creeps along as drivers look at what's for sale without leaving their cars. It is very important to pay attention to driving, however, because children will often step into the street without thinking and in front of your car. The crowd reaches it peak between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and the street is almost impassable but nobody seems to mind.

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